By special request, here's ?? @JaakkoHanninen. Two things to remember: 1) Double letters are pronounced long in Finnish – including consonants! 2) The Ä is not an A! However, it is close to the US pronunciation of the vowel in 'cat'. Listen and repeat!
There's a new rider in town! Moving from ⛸ @JumboVismaIce to ? @JumboVismaWomen, ?? @Carlijn_Achtereekte continues her career in road cycling instead of speed skating. As a 3000-metre Olympic champion, hers will be a name to remember – listen and repeat!
By popular demand, we give you @groupamafdj_ct's U23 ?? champion, Rait Ärm. The first name is almost like the English word "right", the surname close to the English "arm", but with the vowel like in "cat". Listen and repeat!